Monday, October 27, 2008


i hate it when she entertains other guys. she never did it before. so why must she do it now? i dont mind her making friends with guys and all online. but when it gets really personal to the extent of calling her and smsing her, i do not like it. it has always been like that. have you like forgotten everything about my traits or wad? please put a stop to all this. i noe u are bored at home alone every nite. but u still have me. though i cant afford to call u everyday, i do make an effort to contact u all the time. there is no reason why you should fall back on other guys to entertain u. you are not a 1-man audience for everyone to entertain u. all you need is me. i feel so insecure each time u chat with other guys. its as though i have no value to u.

i feel cheap.

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